The Chinese are too smart to make money with every means, but without morals at all . Don't buy Kiwi Fruit from China . The Kiwi Fruit are soaked with Chemical while growing on tree so that it will grow larger and weigh heavier.. They are using some kind of GROWTH Chemical Hormones that can have bad effect to your nervous system, birth defects , retard learning ability to children...
The Kiwi fruits , after soaking in the Chemical Hormone will grow larger and are more preferable by the merchants ! Most the fruit are from the Sichuan area.... Just BASICALLY MORE PROFITABLE TOO... ! JUST AVOID THE KIWI Fruit from China .....IF YOU CARE FoR YOUR FAMILY SAFETY !Czyli – w skrócie – nie żryjcie tych śliczniutkich chińskich kiwi, bo są nasączone chemicznymi hormonami wzrostu, które działają na system nerwowy, wpływają na defekty płodu, a czego to Chińczyk nie zrobi dla kasy itd.
Do tego zdjęcia:
Pytanie: czy włoskie kiwi też są do dupy?
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